Aunt Patty's Organic Coconut Sugar 有機椰糖



Low glycemic sweetener that makes is a favorite choice of those on a restricted diet Mild Carmel flavor and can be used as an equal replacement for brown or white sugar Non gmo, usda organic, gluten free and unrefined Collected from the sap of freshly cut coconut palm tree flower buds 絕無漂白或提鍊過程,不含人工香料或防腐劑,升糖指數 Glycemic Index 低於 35,有助控制血糖,能預防糖尿病,糖尿病人士亦可食用, 蘊含維他命、礦物質及氨基酸,為人體補充天然能量,天然清甜, 略帶焦糖味道,人人皆能接受 使用方法: - 代替砂糖、黃糖等傳統糖,加入食物或飲料中調味, 尤其適合加於咖啡當中 - 作為烘焙材料,製作各種健康食品 - 混合按摩油,於按摩身體時有磨砂效果,去除死皮

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