Mill Creek Botanicals Jojoba Shampoo 天然荷荷芭洗髮液



- Balancing formula - Locks in moisture - Softens & protects - Improves movement Jojoba Shampoo is a balancing shampoo that helps lock in moisture, soften, and protect hair while it gently cleanses. A consistent Jojoba program can help make the scalp less acidic and aid in controlling the rate at which the scalp discharges sebum- a possible cause of hair and scalp problems. - 富含滋潤荷荷芭成分,能在洗髮的同時滋潤平衡秀髮及頭皮,持續使用荷荷芭能平衡頭皮皮脂分泌,舒緩頭皮困擾 - 含紫草萃取物及維他命原B5,使秀髮滋潤且輕盈不黏膩 - 含有機蘆薈成份及豐富維生素E抗氧化成分,對抗環境自由基,搭配獨特酸鹼平衡配方,讓秀髮及頭皮恢復平衡 - 因不含矽靈,洗髮後微澀感為正常現象,建議搭配荷荷芭潤髮乳

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