One With Nature Lavender Dead Sea Mineral Bath Salts (32oz) 天然薰衣草味死海礦物浴鹽



Description: - Relaxing - 100% Pure Dead Sea Mineral Bath Salts Unlike other bath salts which are primarily sodium chloride, Dead Sea Salts are a unique compound containing 21 different skin nourishing minerals such as: calcium, iodine, potassium, magnesium, zinc and bromide. Known for their therapeutic benefits since the time of Cleopatra, Dead Sea salt treatments are often recommended by dermatologists for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and for general skin health. Studies show that Dead Sea Salts help detoxify and improve skin elasticity, increase moisture retention and promote pH balance. Experience the Dead Sea Difference! Suggested Use: Pour 1-2 cups of salt into a warm tub. Let dissolve for 5 minutes then jump in, lay back and relax for 20-30 min. Feel re-energized as you gently rinse with warm water. Other Ingredients: Maris sal (dead sea salts), parfum (lavender essential oils). - 死海礦物鹽的礦物質及微量元素,能滲入皮膚,徹底清潔 - 增加肌膚活力達到活化之功效 - 增強及提供肌膚煥新能力,賦予肌膚細緻感 - 幫助淨化浴解多餘油脂,讓肌膚自然的水亮健康 - 蘊含高礦物含量,維持肌膚的新陳代謝 - 舒緩的香氣,具有安撫心情,讓身心徹底放鬆、平靜自在 使用方法: 沐浴後,取適量的礦物浴鹽溶於浴缸內的熱水中,再加入冷水溫度調整約37度以上,然後泡澡約二十至三十分鐘,泡完後可再用溫水沖洗身體或隨即擦乾身體即可。
