Organic Blackeye Peas (1 lb) 有機眉豆



Organic Blackeye Peas are pale coloured with a prominent black spot in the centre. Organic Blackeye Peas originate from India and are now grown throughout Asia and the America. Organic Blackeye Peas are considered to be a lucky food for eating on New Year's day celebrations, as well as being used as a vegetable in dishes ranging from dhal through to the American Hoppin' John. 有機眉豆含豐富蛋白質及水溶性纖維, 有助暢通腸胃, 補充體力及增強新陳代謝, 當中的維他命A和鉀, 可鞏固骨骼, 潤澤肌膚, 對抗氧化、抗衰老有很好的效果

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