Preserve Medium Toothbrush Preserve 無BPA環保牙刷



Preserve consulted closely with dental professionals to create a toothbrush that gets your teeth cleaner but minimizes your impact on the environment. The design includes a curved handle for those hard-to-reach places and a three-level bristle arrangement to massage your gums. And while the bristles are brand new, the handle is made from recycled yogurt cups. The toothbrush is completely recyclable through Preserve's mail-in recycling program or Preserve Gimme 5 bins. 說明 手柄使用乳酪杯循環再造而成 豬鬃毛刷毛,不易變形、耐潮、耐熱。 不含BPA,可用熱水沖洗消毒。 牙醫設計流線形手柄,貼合口腔孤度,美觀易握。 使用建議 第一次使用前,請以60度溫水把刷毛浸軟。 建議每三個月更換一次牙刷。
