Simply Organic Organic Ginger 有機薑粉



Description USDA Organic Certified Organic by QAI Kosher Enjoyed in cuisines the world over for its warm, spicy-sweet aroma and flavor, ginger complements both sweet (think gingerbread) and savory (think stir fry) dishes. It's available in whole root, cut and sifted, powdered, and crystallized, so you can choose the perfect form for your perfect dish. A perennial, tropical plant with aromatic, tuberous roots, ginger is one of over 50 species of the genus zingiber. While several of these species are cultivated for food use, the spice we know as ginger is Zingiber officinale. The rhizome, or root of the ginger plant, is the part we use as a spice. The candied rhizome of the ginger plant is sold as crystallized ginger, and dried ginger that has been ground is sold as ground ginger. Originating in tropical Southeast Asia, ginger has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. Ancient medical records indicate that it was used in teas, baths, and chest compresses, and texts dating as far back as ancient China and India suggest ginger for healthy digestion. The Romans introduced ginger to Northern Europe, where it was used in cakes, biscuits and other sweet dishes. By the 14th century, it rivaled pepper in popularity, and when the plague hit, ginger, with its antiseptic properties and sulfur content, was considered by some a worthy antidote. Ginger's warm, spicy-sweet flavor and pungent aroma are unmistakable. It's a universally popular flavoring that lends its name to three familiar foods--gingerbread, gingersnaps and ginger ale. It's also popular in stir-fries and sauces, and in spice blends like curry powder. Used in a wide variety of sweet and spicy dishes, ginger blends well with many other spices. It's essential in Oriental cooking and especially prevalent in the cuisines of India, China, Thailand, Northern Africa, Japan and the Caribbean countries. Ginger wines are a popular wintertime beverage in England. In the U.S., ginger lends its hot, spicy flavor to condiments, relishes, pickles, beverages and all types of desserts. A way to eat. The way to live. We're here to fill your life with honest-to-goodness good food. The kind of food that you remember, deep down. Fresh. Wholesome. Brimming with flavor and life. It can only be found in organically grown foods. Suggested Use To substitute ground ginger for fresh, use 1/2 teaspoon ground for each tablespoon fresh called for in a recipe. Ground ginger is an essential spice for gingerbread and is also good in biscuits, preserves, chutneys, marmalades and a variety of desserts. Try it in pickles and with pork, chicken and beef. Add it to pumpkin or apple pie, cookies, carrot and sweet potatoes dishes. Other Ingredients Organic ginger 說明 美國農業部有機認證。 國際質量保證協會有機認證。 猶太潔食。 全世界的菜餚都青睞薑粉溫熱、香辣的芳香與美味。姜融香甜(想想薑餅)與味美於一身。整根姜都可以食用,不論是切,篩選,磨粉,或是結晶,你都可以根據自己的菜餚進行合適的搭配。 姜是一種多年生的熱帶芳香植物,塊狀根,是超過五十多種薑屬植物中的一種。姜類植物的根莖或者說根,通常是我們用來製作香料的部分。姜根經過糖製加工後製成蜜餞售賣,曬乾後的生薑進行研磨,做成薑粉售賣。 生薑起源於東南亞熱帶,已經有超過3000年的耕種歷史。據古時候的醫療記載,生薑經常用於沏茶、沐浴、瘦胸,有記載表明,早在古中國和古印度,生薑就被推薦用來保健消化系統。羅馬人將生薑推薦給北歐人,北歐人將其用來製作蛋糕,餅乾和其他甜點。到了14世紀,胡椒與生薑的受歡迎程度不相上下,當瘟疫來襲時,生薑因為其殺菌能力並含有硫磺,被視為很有效的解毒劑。 生薑溫熱,香辣的口味和辛辣的芳香是獨一無二的。正是由於其受世界歡迎的口味,有三種耳熟能詳的食物以其命名-薑餅蛋糕,薑餅和薑汁汽水。並且作為炒菜調味料和醬料,生薑也很受歡迎,經常和咖哩粉這樣的香料一同使用。 由於生薑可用於多種甜味和辣味菜餚中,它可以與很多香料進行搭配。它是東方烹飪中必備香料,尤其是在印度,中國,泰國,非洲北部,日本,和加勒比海地區。在英格蘭,薑汁酒是一種冬季很受熱捧的飲料。在美國,生薑以其香辣的口味添加於許多香料,小菜,鹹菜,飲料和甜品中。 一種飲食方式,一種生活方式。 我們用真正的好食物來充實您的生活。對,就是您內心深處對美好食物的印象。新鮮,有益健康,滿溢著美味和生活的趣味。只有有機生長的食物中含有。 建議的使用方式 建議使用新鮮的生薑粉,每份菜使用1/2茶匙新鮮生薑粉。 生薑粉是薑餅必備香料,同樣也可使用於餅乾,果醬,酸辣醬,橘子醬和眾多甜品中。嘗試將其加入鹹菜中,並與豬肉,雞肉,牛肉同吃。將其加入南瓜,蘋果派,曲奇,胡蘿蔔或白薯菜餚中。 其他成份 有機姜

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