Simply Organic Organic Turmeric 有機黃薑粉



Description Certified Organic by QAI USDA Organic Kosher A way to eat. The way to live. We're here to fill your life with honest-to-goodness good food. The kind of food that you remember, deep down. Fresh. Wholesome. Brimming with flavor and life. It can only be found in organically grown foods. Turmeric's warm aroma, bright color, and gingery/peppery taste are relied upon in cooking throughout Asia. It's best known as the spice that gives curry powder its distinctive color. Botanical name: Curcuma longa L. Suggested Use The golden hue of turmeric brightens curries, condiments, and egg, fish, and grain dishes. Its taste is warmly aromatic--a bit like ginger and pepper. In India turmeric is often used to color sweet dishes, while in Morocco it's used to spice meat, (especially lamb) and vegetables. It's used with fish, in baked goods, meat and meat products, prepared mustards and pickles, broths, cheeses, dressings, grains, egg recipes, and soups. Try it with artichokes and potatoes and in rice dishes. And combine it with coriander and cinnamon for a spicy meat or poultry rub. 說明 質量保證協會有機認證。 美國農業部有機認證。 猶太潔食。 一種飲食方式,一種生活方式。 我們用真正的好食物來充實您的生活。對,就是您內心深處對美好食物的印象。新鮮,有益健康,滿溢著美味和生活的趣味。只有有機生長的食物中含有。 薑黃溫熱的口感,明亮的顏色,辛辣的口味,一直備受亞洲烹飪青睞。最獨到之處是將咖哩粉的色澤點綴的更加與眾不同。 植物名稱:薑黃。 建議的使用方式 金黃色的薑黃讓咖哩,香料,雞蛋,魚,和糧食變的色彩鮮豔。味道是熱烈的芳香-有點像薑和辣椒的味道。在印度,薑黃經常用來給甜菜上色,而在摩洛哥,薑黃用來給肉,(特別是羊肉),和蔬菜增味。經常配合魚,烘焙食品,肉,肉製品,芥末,鹹菜,肉湯,奶酪,調味品,穀物,蛋類菜譜,湯羹使用。試著將薑黃與洋薊,土豆混進米飯中一同食用。或者在做香辣肉時將其與香菜,肉桂一同使用。

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