Wholesome Organic Blue Agave (11.75oz) Wholesome 有機龍舌蘭糖漿



Description Live Sweetly USDA Organic Fair Trade Certified Non GMO Project Verified Certified Organic by: Quality Assurance Gluten Free Naturally Vegan Kosher Certified Deliciously sweet Organic Blue Agave is a low glycemic syrup that is slow absorbed by the body preventing spikes in blood sugar. It's 25% sweeter than sugar & perfectly sweetens drinks, desserts and sauces. It's tasty on top of oatmeal, cereal & waffles too. Other Ingredients Organic blue agave nectar*. *Fair Trade Certified by Fair Trade USA 說明 甜蜜地生活 美國農業部有機認證 公平貿易認證 非轉基因工程認證 有機認證:質量保證 無麩質 天然素食 猶太潔食認證 美味的有機藍色龍舌蘭是一種低血糖糖漿,被身體緩慢吸收,防止血糖升高。它比糖甜25%,是飲料、甜品和醬汁的完美甜味劑。澆在燕麥、麥片和華夫餅之上也很美味。 其他成份 有機藍色龍舌蘭花蜜*。 *公平貿易公平貿易美國公平貿易認證
